Air Quality AG

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Hygienic safety.
Everyone has security needs. The air which is blown through the ventilation system and the users of good cheer in the face could be hygienically questionable. Through the years, bacteria, dust, fungi, viruses and other pathogens accumulate in the ventilation ducts. They trigger eye lungs and mucous membrane inflammations. Fatigue, headaches and lack of concentration are possible consequences of dirty channels. Here the OSH Act will provide clarity.

Fire Precautions Act
In restaurants where it is cooked and flambéed, there is an increased fire risk. Fat settles in exhaust ducts, distributed through the complete system to the control center. Inflammation would slide the fire immediately by the complete duct system and distribute in other rooms. A big risk. Today, there is a law – the fire protection rule – which requires regular cleaning of kitchen exhaust channels to minimize fire risk.

SWKI Hygiene Directive VA104-01 / 02
In the ventilation and ventilation systems industry a directive exists which is considered state of the art. She pretends to plan as ventilation and ventilation systems, building and are waiting to prevent hygienic hazards posed by her. In cases of doubt, insurance and the policy is applied as the basis.




im Wert von CHF 30.-