Bruno Lehmann AG

Pudu Cleaning Robot CC1

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Discover the Pudu CC1
With the Pudu CC1 cleaning robot, you can rely on the latest technology and efficiency for the maintenance of your premises. This high-performance device has been specially developed to meet the need for sparkling cleanliness and offers unrivalled cleaning quality.

Why do successful companies choose the Pudu CC1?
– Time saving and efficiency: The Pudu CC1 automates the cleaning process so that employees can focus on other productive tasks.

– Adaptability and intelligent navigation: With its advanced sensor technology, the Pudu CC1 adapts to different environments and skilfully navigates around obstacles. This ensures thorough cleaning even in complex structured spaces.

– Ease of use: The robot can be easily controlled via an app that allows cleaning schedules to be created, progress to be monitored in real time and the device to be operated remotely if required.

– Sustainability and reliability: The energy-efficient operation and long service life of the components ensure that the Pudu CC1 not only fulfils your cleaning requirements, but also contributes to environmental protection.

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