k-tech Konstruktion Automation Produktion GmbH

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As an experienced system supplier, we can design the technologies and synergies from the various industries and use them in other business areas. Whether for applications from plastics technology, household, gastronomy, home improvement or the like – we look forward to implementing the application with our customers.

Our production park includes a wide range of different machines, enabling us to manufacture even the most complex assemblies for you and with you.

Our various projects from different areas include:

Single part and small-batch production
Manufacture and assembly of modules/devices and fixtures
Fixture construction
Shaping of carbon fibre extrudate with winding (plastics industry)
Handling system for grinding systems (paper industry)
Handling between different transport systems (beverage industry)
Assembly lines, individual workstations, tools for pump and block systems (hydraulics)
Advertising material for testing and demonstrating products in the customer area (marketing)
Automatic assembly machines (household)
Modular assembly line for pumps and block systems (hydraulics)
EOL tests (hydraulics)
Robot integration of processing machines such as lathes and milling machines (industry)
Safety upgrade for existing systems according to current regulations (industry)
Test systems for quality assurance (industry)
Labelling and marking (industry)

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im Wert von CHF 30.-