Livre blanc sur l’approche incrémentale du remplacement des systèmes monolithiques existants
Schubert System Elektronik GmbH

White paper on the incremental approach to replacing existing monolithic systems

What needs to be taken into account when making the change and what possible solutions look like



The individual components in production or automation systems are often large systems on which various functions are brought together. Dissolving such a monolithic system makes sense if, for example, development is to be made more efficient, the system is to be more testable or more updateable. What needs to be taken into account and what are possible solutions?

What needs to be taken into account when making the change and what possible solutions look like is explained by David Bongermino, Head of System Software at Schubert System Elektronik GmbH, in the white paper “Increasing Efficiency through Distributed Industrial Systems”.

Find out which approaches can be used to successfully switch from a monolithic to a distributed system and what needs to be taken into account.




im Wert von CHF 30.-