Pose réussie de la première pierre du nouveau bâtiment de HELUKABEL AG
Helukabel AG

Successful laying of the foundation stone for the new building of HELUKABEL AG

On May 2nd, the foundation stone was laid for the new HELUKABEL AG location in Bremgarten AG. This marks the official start of construction work. The move to the new headquarters is planned for spring 2025.



On May 2nd, the foundation stone was laid for the new HELUKABEL AG location in Bremgarten AG. This marks the official start of construction work. The new headquarters building promises expanded storage capacity, improved logistics and a contemporary spatial concept. The move to the new headquarters is planned for spring 2025.

The celebration to mark the start of construction was attended by representatives of HELUKABEL, the city of Bremgarten, the construction planning and management departments and the local press. Renato Guccione, Managing Director of HELUKABEL Switzerland, is delighted about the upcoming project: “We are delighted to be realizing a future-proof building that meets the needs of our customers, our employees and partners. The beautiful small town on the Reuss and especially the location in the Ober Ebene is ideally located and offers plenty of space to further expand our position as an attractive employer in the region and a modern company.”




im Wert von CHF 30.-