Entretien des routes nationales – l’entretien à distance simplifié
ComatReleco AG

Maintenance of national roads – remote maintenance made easy

Drivers want to get to their destination as quickly as possible. Delays or traffic jams due to technical breakdowns in the infrastructure are particularly unwelcome and the demands on technical road maintenance are increasing.



Travelling in Alpine regions often requires a considerable amount of time. This is especially true
for remote areas. And yet motorists expect tunnel facilities and even minor roads to be always
perfectly available. It is not possible to physically monitor and maintain an extensive road network
in a timely manner. Technical solutions are needed for this Electronic servants help the Office for the Operation of National Roads maintains roads, tunnels, and ancillary facilities in the canton of Uri on behalf of the federal government. Some control systems are in remote places and are not integrated into the
internal communication network. To be able to report and rectify faults as quickly as possible, the AfBN relies
on the ComatReleco messaging system.




im Wert von CHF 30.-