Einsatz von Spurrillenprofilen
Poesia Holding AG

Einsatz von Spurrillenprofilen

Track groove profiles are mostly used in workshops of railway companies or depots of companies. They close tripping and pinch points on rails. The elastic rut profiles from Poesia Holding AG give way in the wheel rim area and slip



Track groove profiles are mostly used in workshops of railway companies or depots of companies. They close tripping and pinch points on rails. The elastic rut profiles from Poesia Holding AG give way in the wheel rim area and close the rut again after the train has passed.

The ruts in the tracks have always been a potential tripping hazard for pedestrians and cyclists. They also lead to accidents again and again in the workshops of the railways or in factory buildings. Trapped feet are the result. It doesn’t have to be. These mishaps can be prevented by using the Poesia’s rut ​​profiles. In addition, it will be much easier for material wagons with small wheels to cross the tracks.




im Wert von CHF 30.-