about us

Complete Solutions from Sigmatek
If you would like to equip industrial machines and installations with a fully integrated, consistent automation system, SIGMATEK is your partner: Our area of specialization is fast automation processes, by which the combination of performant control with dynamic drive axes and strong visualization is in demand.



Web Panels

Innovative human-machine interfaces give machines a unique “face” that sets them apart from their market companions and impresses users. Our high-performance web panels display your HTML5 applications brilliantly, provide you

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Wireless Operating Panel

Operating freedom, WLAN data exchange and integrated Safety functions … with the HGW 1033 wireless operating panel series, all these features are cleverly combined. And: Thanks to OPC UA, the

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Control and I/O system in pocket format S-DIAS combines the highest package density with high performance, mechanical stability and comfortable handling. Up to 20 channels are packed into one I/O

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S-DIAS Safety

Fully integrated or stand-alone Thin, flexible and cost-optimized – that is the S-DIAS Safety system. The modular Safety solution for the DIN rail consists of a Safety controller (SCP), which

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AC Drives FDD 3000

With the AC drives of the FDD 3000 series you can optimize your production process. Economical asynchronous motors can be precisely controlled with the low voltage AC drives. Thus, your

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Digital Twin in LASAL

The LASAL software development environment from SIGMATEK supports model-based development and virtual commissioning with the Digital Twin. In this process, together with 3D models of the mechanics, a complete digital

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