icotek (swiss) AG

icotek (swiss) AG

about us

We are an innovative and flexible trading company. The headquarters is located in Staad, on the beautiful Lake Constance. We distribute products around the cable and represented in Switzerland following companies:




Adapter grommets for Keystone jacks, PushPull connectivity and circular connectors IMAS-CONNECT™ by icotek is a modular designed grommet system for mounting circular connectors, Keystone jacks, PushPull connectors, hose fittings, pressure

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EMC cable entry systems

EMC cable entry systems

In case of conducted as well as field bound EMI disturbances, our split cable entry system EMC-KEL-DS and our split cable gland EMC-KVT-DS offer an effective way to divert and

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EMC cable clamps

EMC cable clamps

EMI shielding & earthing components For process measurement and control equipment an increasingly higher level of protection against failure is required. EMI shielding and earthing is very important. The area

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Signaltechnik für die Industrie

Signaltechnik für die Industrie

Auer Signal ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Signaltechnik und produziert seit 1910 in Wien Signalgeräte für die Industrie. Zu den Bestseller-Produkten zählen Signalleuchten, Sirenen und Hupen sowie die kompakten

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Massebänder & Erdungsbänder

Massebänder & Erdungsbänder

Massebänder von MEGA Schmidthammer Elektrokohle GmbH sind eine kostengünstige Alternative zu PE-Leitern. Wir vertreiben Cu-Verbindungen in verschiedensten Querschnitten und Konstruktionen.

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