Barbarino & Kilp GmbH

Barbarino & Kilp GmbH

about us

Mobile bolting technology from 30Nm to 190,000Nm
hydraulic! pneumatic! electric with battery!

Process-reliable, documented, standard-compliant, hydraulic
digitized bolting of critical bolting-connections
(M16 to M130)

For all nuts an bolts – be it underwater or under paint –
Different bolting-assembly methods possible thanks to the Eco2TOUCH hydraulic pump

• Reduction of service, operating and maintenance costs:
• by extending inspection intervals
• by reducing costly controls
• through lightweight construction, thanks to the selection of suitable screw assembly methods
• through the associated optimization of work and plant safety

Safe assembly processes with automated documentation as text as well as graphic and statistical representations of all process parameters for stability considerations

Washer system
anti-twist washers
Optimized bolting for more work- and plant safety

Cordless Battery-Wrenches 18V or 36V: digital, battery-operated torque / rotation angle
Battery-Torque-Wrenches from 30 Nm to 6,799 Nm

• Documentation and monitoring of the most important tightening parameters
• Intuitive usability
• Data transfer via Bluetooth or USB
• Configuration directly via the display

multifunctional hydraulic torque-wrenches series MXT-Plus from 270Nm to 15,610Nm

• flexible support settings on the tool
• built-in stroke counter for service life analysis
• Interactive torsion retention pawl system
• Hand-free, secure screwing without a reaction arm in combination with anti-twist washers or HYTORC expansion nuts




The new HYTORC jWasher takes the HYTORC Washer system to an entirely new level by adding a locking feature that minimizes loosening to keep bolts tight under dynamic loads. With

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Digitales, mobiles Verschrauben

Digitales, mobiles Verschrauben

HYTORC’s solutions for intelligent and predictive bolting Fast, safe and sustainably tight flange screw connections have always been an important component in industry. Increasing digitization and networking of industrial processes,

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Tightening methods

Tightening methods

Know-how that connects. Nowadays, more than 90% of all bolted joints are preloaded by rotation. The most frequently used method by far is torque-controlled tightening. Apart from that, torqueangle- controlled

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verdrehsichere Unterlegscheiben

verdrehsichere Unterlegscheiben

verdrehsichere Unterlegscheiben: mobile hydraulische Drehmomentschrauber, Elektroschrauber, Akkuschrauber oder Pneumtikschrauber erzeugen wiederholgenau hohe Drehmomente ab 33Nm bis knapp 190.000Nm. Da diese immer einen Reaktionsarm / Abstützarm benötigen handelt es sich dabei

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The MXT+ Hydraulic Torque Wrench combines the best of HYTORCs original MXT Wrench with the latest advanced technology including coaxial reaction drive, auto-release feature and a new cycle counter. The

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Trend-setting mobile process pump – fit for industry standard 4.0 The HYTORC Eco2TOUCH marks the state of the art in processor technology: highly efficient cutting-edge technology for mobile, process-safe, automated,

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The LITHIUM SERIES8 II Electric Torque Tool is the next revolution in bolting technology redesigned from the ground up with expanded functionality, greater durability, and intuitive usability. This lightweight 36

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im Wert von CHF 30.-