
Leaks in compressed air, vacuum, steam and gas systems cost companies tens to over a hundred thousand francs per year.

Leak detection can be carried out faster and easier with the new generation of sound cameras than with old devices and procedures. The detection also works during ongoing, noisy operation, when your hearing cannot detect any leaks due to the noise, within a few moments of switching on the camera You will precisely discover the first leaks on the screen as a colored area and document them with the push of a button.

Act now, electricity costs are rising dramatically, don’t let your energy costs for producing compressed air eat away at your valuable profits!

The Fluke ii900 / ii910 and FOTRIC TD3 sound cameras are able to receive sound in the ultrasonic range with the integrated microphones and to calculate and display the corresponding position on the live video image from the transit times of the sound waves. You can detect even small leaks in gas, compressed air, vacuum and steam lines at a distance of several meters. Finding and documenting leaks with this camera is 5 times faster and easier than with known locating devices and techniques!

The sound cameras also work in noisy environments because they use intelligent filters to filter out ambient noise and only display the relevant sound waves in the ultrasonic range generated by the leaks.

In compressed air and vacuum systems, losses of up to 30% of the electrical energy invested can occur and can quickly amount to several 10,000 to 100,000 CHF per year. It is therefore worth dealing with this type of energy loss, especially since leak detection with our sound cameras is easier, faster and more precise compared to the outdated “headphone parabolic mirror devices”!

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