Transmetra GmbH

Vermietung von Messtechnik wie Schallkamera, Wärmebildkameras, ScopeMeter (tragbare Digital-Speicheroszilloskope), Leistungs-/Energie-/Netzqualitäts-/Spannungsqualitäts-Logger, Leitungssucher, Temperatur-/Luftfeuchte-/CO2-Logger und vieles mehr

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The purchase of new measuring devices is not always an economical solution, if only one or two measurements are necessary in general or a few per year, the rental can be worthwhile, and the company does not tie up any capital in mobile assets with the rental, but charges the rental costs as with the Leasing directly to taxable operating expenses. The customer-friendly rental service includes advice before the rental for the right choice of the right measuring device, the in-house support supports the user during the rental with questions about handling, data evaluation and report generation, on request we also take over the analysis and evaluation of the data as well as the report generation and deliver finished measurement reports as PDF files via email.

At the stand we will show a selection of rental devices for maintenance, service, maintenance, energy and performance measurement as well as the revolutionary sound camera and high-end thermal imaging cameras.

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im Wert von CHF 30.-