4am Robotics GmbH

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New dimensions in load capacity, reach and tensile load!

With its performance features, this innovative mobile cobot sets new standards in terms of payload, reach and tensile load. The new AMC-H masters complex tasks that were previously reserved for human operators, setting new standards in the autonomous use of mobile cobots. Designed specifically for handling small load carriers, we have created a space-saving platform that uses the SLAM process to move autonomously in any direction and handle loads with unrivalled precision. In conjunction with safety laser scanners and 3D cameras, the AMC-H is able to navigate autonomously even in complex environments. It constantly updates the map of its surroundings and simultaneously localises itself within it in order to carry out precise movements. This allows the AMC-H to be used flexibly and efficiently in different environments – without additional markers or adjustments.

The strength of the AMC-H lies in the variability of the gripping system, which can be customised to the specific requirements of your production process. Integration into any master control system for order coordination not only optimises the material flow, but also enables flexible and needs-based adaptation to different processes. The high round-the-clock availability of the AMC-H, supported by fast charging cycles and the ability to operate in low-light environments, offers an efficient alternative in times of a shortage of skilled labour.

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