Nous célébrons les 50 ans d’Ethernet
Schubert System Elektronik GmbH

We are celebrating 50 years of Ethernet

At Schubert System Elektronik, Ethernet also plays an important role in industrial communication



The Ethernet interface has created the basis for the networked world as we know it today. The triumph of Ethernet began in the 1970s and with “Industrial Ethernet” the interface continued its triumph in industry.

Without this technological progress and digital transformation, increased efficiency, improved communication and the opportunity to create new business areas would be unthinkable. Today, the Ethernet interface is taken for granted and is part of almost every network participant. Radio interfaces also end up at the Ethernet interface at some point and are forwarded from there.

But why was the Ethernet interface able to prevail and become the indispensable basis for modern communication systems?

“The importance of the Ethernet interface in industry can hardly be overestimated. With the Ethernet interface it is possible to network various devices and systems with one another. This makes it the backbone of modern automation and the IoT. The associated process optimizations and increases in efficiency the companies in a position to open up new business areas,” says Alexander Matt, Product Manager Prime Cube.




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