Sauvegarde et restauration de données avec SALVADOR
Omni Ray AG

Data backup and recovery with SALVADOR

Protection against data loss after cyberattacks



Reports about the spread of malware and high follow-up costs after cyberattacks can be read every day. Unfortunately, industrial OT & ICS systems are also increasingly falling victim to such targeted attacks. With its Cyber ​​Recovery devices, SALVADOR TECHNOLOGIES has a solution for securing computer data as best as possible and restoring it to the PC within minutes if necessary.

With SALVADOR’s Cyber ​​Recovery Units (CRU), the operating system, all drivers, programs and the desired data from the PC are backed up in three isolated storage areas. The first area is intended for initial storage after the computer is set up. The two other storage areas are available for cyclical backup during operation.

Thanks to the “Air Gap” technology used, the three storage areas of the CRU are not visible from the outside and are completely isolated from one another.

The stored data is only visible to the software agent that is installed on the protected computer. This software can be used to set which data should be backed up and how often the data should be backed up from the PC to the CRU. The software agent also monitors the status of the stored data using “canary files” and immediately detects cyber attacks. This prevents contaminated data from the CRU from being loaded back onto the computer.

Alarm messages and other information such as the backup status, data integrity or suspicious activities on the CRUs can be displayed using a SALVADOR management system.




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